Compare Tables

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A better approach - or a starting point - to table comparison.


Table Comparison is a common practice in many developer languages. The easiest and laziest way is to compare for each item of table1, any item of table2, and the total number of comparison becomes table1.length * table2.length, so it may be convenient to write a simple code if tables are very little but the program will waste time and resources for heavy tables (5*5=25 , 100*100=1000 , 1000*1000=1000000).

SQL programs are already optimized (on they own), while you have to provide and optimize an algorithm in your lua or javascript program. I write this code, keeping some ideas from a daily shop-list and "what's in the basket", my first and last "school class" , etc. ... and how sql db works (see

The question is: how is it possible to compare items only when it's absolutely necessary? What should I do with two lists of paper?

Suggestions are welcome!


-- CompareTables.lua
-- Gianluca Vespignani (c) 2012, Memorandum: technique about Compare Tables
-- tested on Lua 5.1.4
-- v.0.2.1 become a function. bug fix: some item was skipped, fix iterators

-- 1.Preliminary work

-- params:	type		description
-- t1:		table		table1
-- t2:		table		table2
-- orderby:	string		order by on significant field. String like SQL ORDER BY: "ORDER BY field1, field2 desc, field3
-- n1:		table		conversion of field name of table1 of the fields signed in orderby {field1="fieldalias1",...}  or {}
-- n2:		table		idem
-- fmt1:	function	format function for n1
-- fmt2:	function	format function for n2
-- comparef: function	comparison function core between formatted value or function(a,b) return a==b end (on the first field of orderby)
-- CBdupli:	function	CallBack function when a couple of duplicate is found. This function must return true or false to look for other doubles on t2
-- CBonly1: function	CallBack function for only in table1 item
-- CBonly2: function	CallBack function for only in table2 item

function CompareTables(t1,t2,orderby,n1,n2,fmt1,fmt2,comparef,CBdupli,CBonly1,CBonly2)
	local t1 = t1 or nil
	local t2 = t2 or nil
	-- dbg on t1, t2
	if t1[1]==nil then print("The first table is empty or not index based (t1[1]==nil)") return nil, 0 end
	if t2[1]==nil then print("The second table is empty or not index based (t2[1]==nil)") return nil, 0 end

	-- 1.1.0 Create an indexTable. consider if a working on a clone of the tables may be required, (that could be involves indexes gesture problems)
	-- 1.1.1 Determinate fields to save in indexTable
	local comparisonTabLog = {} 	-- comparison table log
	local counter = 0
	local fieldlist = {}
	-- simply split by ','   eg: "ORDER BY field1, field2 desc, field3"
	local fieldlistlast = orderby:gsub("([^,]*)[,]", function(s) table.insert(fieldlist,s) return "" end )
	table.insert(fieldlist,fieldlistlast)	-- raw inseriment
	for i,v in ipairs(fieldlist) do	-- Apply correction
		fieldlist[i]={} 	-- redefine and reuse
		if i==1 then
			v = v:gsub("^ORDER BY ",""):gsub("^order by ","")
		fieldlist[i].name = v:gsub("^%s+",""):gsub("%s+$","")		-- trim white space
		local _,c = fieldlist[i].name:gsub("%w+","") -- count the words
		if c>1 then
			fieldlist[i].name = fieldlist[i].name:gsub("%s.*$","")	-- keep the first word
			fieldlist[i].desc = true -- decrease
			-- TODO: raise error if the second word is different from 'desc' / 'DESC' or there are more words

	local function alias(nn,field)	-- alias gesture		-- nn is n1 or n2 table
		if #nn==0 then  -- n1=={}
		return field  else return nn[field]
	local fmt1 = fmt1 or function(s) return s end
	local fmt2 = fmt2 or function(s) return s end

	local t1x = {}
	local t2x = {}
	-- Given tables: t1, t2 ...
	for i,v in ipairs(t1) do
		t1x[i] = {}
		t1x[i]._i = i	--save original index / position --table.insert(t1x,{v[n1}])
		for j,field in ipairs(fieldlist) do
			t1x[i][] = fmt1( v[ alias(n1, ] ) -- apply formatting
	for i,v in ipairs(t2) do
		t2x[i] = {}
		t2x[i]._i=i	--save original index / position --table.insert(t1x,{v[n1}])
		for j,field in ipairs(fieldlist) do
			--dbg = alias(n2,field)
			t2x[i][] = fmt2( v[ alias(n2, ] ) -- apply formatting

	-- 1.2.1 order on significant field:
	-- 1.2.2 Prepare sorter function for table.sort()
	local sf = function (a,b)
		for i,v in ipairs(fieldlist) do
			if a[] ~= b[] then
				if v.desc then
					return a[] > b[]
					return a[] < b[]
		return a._i < b._i -- else of all, order by original index

	table.sort(t1x, sf)
	table.sort(t2x, sf)

	-- 1.3 init itarator values, remember thru iterations
	local i2 = 1 --0 -- became =1 at 2.4  -- * 1
	local v1f_previous = ""
	local found = false

	local cfc = comparef or function(a,b) return a==b end

	-- 2.1 for each item in t1x
	for i1,v1 in ipairs(t1x) do
		local v1f = v1[fieldlist[1].name]
		-- 2.4 Check for duplicates on t1x and t2x. if v1f_previous == v1f, i2 is the same
		if i1>1 and v1f_previous == v1f  and comparisonTabLog[i1-1]~=nil  then
			i2 = comparisonTabLog[i1-1][1] -- reload from the necessary index (ref. 4.2 - 4.3)
		--elseif found then -- * was else
		--	i2 = i2+1 -- new item, last was found so increase
		found = false  -- reset this status

		-- 3.2 seach in t2x
		while t2x[i2] do
			counter = counter +1
			local v2 = t2x[i2] -- link like , but it's not a clone
			local v2f = t2x[i2][fieldlist[1].name]

			-- 3.4 comparison core
			if cfc(v1f,v2f) then
				-- 4.1 Found! Perform your tasks
				found = true
				CBdupli(v1._i,v2._i) -- TODO: continue for others?
				-- 4.2 Mind the iterator, logs, or break
				if not comparisonTabLog[i1] then
					comparisonTabLog[i1] = {}	-- init sub table
				-- 4.3 sign and increase iterator
				table.insert(comparisonTabLog[i1], i2)
				i2 = i2+1 -- to search for other duplicates see 2.4
			elseif v2f > v1f then
				-- 5.1 stop the boring comparison. eg: looking for 'Grape' but on t2x you are on 'Lemon'
			elseif v2f < v1f then
				CBonly2(v2._i)	-- item only on t2x
				i2 = i2+1	-- 5.2 usual iteration
		end -- end of while, be sure about there is i2=i2+1 or a break !!!
		-- 6.0 t1x.item finished to compare than table t2x
		-- 6.1 debug stage (interpect loops):
		-- if xi==10 then break end

		-- 6.2 item only in t1x: do something if t1x.item is not found
		if not found then

		-- 6.3 remember last t1x.item
		v1f_previous = v1f

	-- 6.4 Drop remain queue of t2 if necessary
	if CBonly2~=nil then
		while t2x[i2] do
			CBonly2(t2x[i2]._i)	-- item only on t2x
			i2 = i2+1	-- 5.2 usual iteration

	-- 7.0 finish! you can do something with the comparisonTabLog
	return comparisonTabLog , counter

	-- 7.1 leave memory
	--t1x = nil
	--t2x = nil

-- ===================================================================================
-- test unit
-- require 'CompareTables' -- or assert ( loadfile("CompareTables.lua") ) ()
t1 = {
	{fieldName = "bb", time = "1"},
	{fieldName = "cc", time = "3"},
	{fieldName = "cc", time = "1"},
	{fieldName = "ee", time = "2"}

t2 = {
	{fieldName = "aa", time = "1"},
	{fieldName = "bb", time = "1"},
	{fieldName = "cc", time = "2"},
	{fieldName = "cc", time = "3"}

function dump(t)
	for i,v in ipairs(t) do
		print(i, t1[i].fieldName)
		for j,w in pairs(v) do

-- ===================================================================================
-- formatting function
local fmt1 = function(s) return s:gsub("&amp;","&"):gsub("&apos;","'"):lower() end
local fmt2 = function(s) return s:gsub("&amp;","&"):gsub("&apos;","'"):lower() end
-- comparison function
local comparef = nil
-- CallBack function
local CBdupli = function(i1,i2) print(i1, t1[i1].fieldName," -> ",i2, t2[i2].fieldName) return true end
local CBonly1 = function(i) print("Only in first table:", i, t1[i].fieldName) end
local CBonly2 = function(i) print("Only in second table:", i, t2[i].fieldName) end

res, counter = CompareTables(t1,t2, "ORDER BY fieldName, time desc" , {}, {}, fmt1, fmt2, comparef,CBdupli,CBonly1,CBonly2 )
print("Comparison Log: ")
print("Number of comparisons: ", counter)

--  ]=]


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Last edited December 20, 2012 11:46 pm GMT (diff)