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LuaJIT also uses
Can't say anything bad about this platform.
On Dec 12, 2023 at 20:13 +0300, Hisham <>, wrote:
On Mon, 11 Dec 2023 at 17:54, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:

After 20 years of providing unfailing, kind, generous, flexible, and
efficient support to key internet presence for the Lua community,
Pepperfish is closing down at the end of this year. We are
extremely grateful to Pepperfish for their wonderful support.

A new host for will be announced soon.

As part of the migration of to a new host, we'll be moving
this list to Google Groups:

Sad to see another step in the googleification of the internet and the
slow erosion of email, but there's nothing I can do on my end, other
than perhaps belatedly echo the suggestion of I have
used it for hosting the htop mailing list for many years. And yes, I
fully realize what I means that I'm writing this from a GMail web

I haven't been active here on the list, but lua-l is the last mailing
list I still follow semi-regularly. I'll follow along to Google Groups
or wherever it gets migrated to next.

From this long-time user of lua-l, I also want to thank everyone at
Pepperfish for hosting it for so long. And especially, I want to thank
to the Lua Team for managing this community so well over the years and
continuing to look after it. This is a nice little corner of the
internet, and thanks to your efforts I'm sure it will continue to be,
whoever the new landlords are.

-- Hisham
(PS: Someone mentioned Mastodon -- it is cool, it is FOSS, but it
serves a different purpose (it is the FOSS-alternative to the
now-defunct-Twitter). I'm there at and I
recommend following the #LuaLang hashtag there, but we don't have a
lot of traffic there on this topic.)