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It does depend to some extent what you are trying to protect. For example if the url you are using needs to be protected you could store the url

Http.get(rot13("uggcf://jjj.heqhcbvag.pbz/fcbegf/frevrf/215/nfvn-phc-2023-fpurqhyr.ugzy"), function(status, result)

This would protect you from someone scanning the application for strings if they are important. You could do this to all the strings in the application. Again as people have said this will just make things harder, not impossible

Also rot13 is just an example and I would not recommend it at all simply because it leaves clearly discernible strings, even if they are gibberish

On Tue, 8 Aug 2023 at 05:39, Rana Ayaz <> wrote:
Thanks a lot. 

On Mon, Aug 7, 2023, 10:31 PM DENIS <> wrote:
you can:
- obfuscate/minify the source without modify the loader (lua.exe, app.exe)
- encrypt BUT you need a custom loader

---- Em Dom, 06 ago 2023 13:14:48 -0300 Rana Ayaz <> escreveu ---

respected experts what is the exact method to encryption my code written in androidlua language
I given a code below
please guide me how to I encryption this code

require "import"
-- import "com.androlua.*"
Http.get("", function(status, result)
if status == 200 then

for mn, t1, dt, st, t2 result:gmatch('<span class="fix_match_num">(.-)</span>.-<div class="fixb1">.-<h4>(.-)</h4>.-<p class="fix_match_dtime">(.-)</p>.-<p class="fix_match_stadium">(.-)</p>.-<div class="fixb3">.-<h4>(.-)</h4>') do
print(mn, "\n\n", t1, "vs", t2, "\n\n", st, "\n\n", dt)
print("The page was not found")