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Glu is a cross-platform GUI for running Lua scripts.  The app includes
a statically embedded Lua interpreter (v 5.4.4) as well as built-in functions
and modules that allow Lua programmers to create 2D graphics and
interactive applications.

Glu is free, open source (MIT license) and runs on Windows/Mac/Linux.
Download links and screenshots can be found here:

Two important changes in this release (see Help > Changes for more):

* cv.load can load an SVG file into a clip at a specified size:

* Buttons can use a clip image rather than text for their label.
For example: help_button = cp.button("image=help_icon",ShowHelp)

Some recent additions to the curated collection (download them by
selecting "Download Script..." from Glu's File menu):

* DominoLife.lua implements various cellular automata rules
on non-periodic domino tilings:

* Mandelbrot.lua is a simple Mandelbrot Set explorer:

* VortexMath.lua generates "Vortex Math" images:

* TheNuMoon.lua is a short movie about Elon Musk's 13th son. ;)

Andrew Trevorrow (on behalf of the Glu Group)