I recompiled lua-5.4.4 with memory sanitize instrumentation on linux 5.15.0-56-generic Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS as a static library and linked to my application and I got the error below triggered from luaL_newstate().
Process 626150 stopped
* thread #1, name = 'ufsrv', stop reason = Unsigned integer overflow
frame #0: 0x0000555555ce4950 ufsrv`__ubsan_on_report
-> 0x555555ce4950 <+0>: retq
0x555555ce4951: int3
0x555555ce4952: int3
0x555555ce4953: int3
(lldb) bt
* thread #1, name = 'ufsrv', stop reason = Unsigned integer overflow
* frame #0: 0x0000555555ce4950 ufsrv`__ubsan_on_report
frame #1: 0x0000555555cdf706 ufsrv`__ubsan::Diag::~Diag() + 214
frame #2: 0x0000555555ce15f1 ufsrv`void handleIntegerOverflowImpl<__ubsan::Value>(__ubsan::OverflowData*, unsigned long, char const*, __ubsan::Value, __ubsan::ReportOptions) + 497
frame #3: 0x0000555555ce13ec ufsrv`__ubsan_handle_add_overflow + 60
frame #4: 0x000055555724847e ufsrv`luaS_hash(str="\b", l=15, seed=1672921169) at lstring.c:46:18
frame #5: 0x00005555572439b8 ufsrv`luai_makeseed(L=0x000071b000000008) at lstate.c:79:10
frame #6: 0x00005555572404d5 ufsrv`lua_newstate(f=(ufsrv`l_alloc at lauxlib.c:1011), ud=0x0000000000000000) at lstate.c:375:13
frame #7: 0x0000555557370723 ufsrv`luaL_newstate at lauxlib.c:1089:18