We appreciate tested code solutions for problems and enhancements; wejust don't incorporate third-party code verbatim. So, sure, please, let's see your code.
Maybe it's just me, but since all the commits are done by the author, I assumed that literally everyone else is considered a "third-party".
Anyway, here's my implementation. I'm also attaching a test
script, not sure if this mailing list allows attachments though.
On Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 8:16 PM Alexander Chernoskutov wrote:
Right know there's no good way to remove `count` elements from a table.
By using table.move(), it is possible to create implementation with O(#t) time complexity:
function table.remove_count (list, pos, count)
pos = pos or #list
count = count or 1
function (...)
table.move(list, pos + count, #list + count, pos)
return ...
table.unpack(list, pos, pos + count - 1)
-- With regards, Alex Ch
function init_t() return {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} end function assert_t_eq(t1, t2) if #t1 ~= #t2 then print('assertion failed: ', table.unpack(t1), "(" .. #t1 .. ")", "~=", table.unpack(t2), "(" .. #t2 .. ")") error('assertion failed') end for i = 1, #t1 do if t1[i] ~= t2[i] then print('assertion failed: ', table.unpack(t1), "(" .. #t1 .. ")", "~=", table.unpack(t2), "(" .. #t2 .. ")") error('assertion failed') end end end local t, tail t = init_t() tail = {table.remove(t)} assert_t_eq(t, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) assert_t_eq(tail, {10}) t = init_t() tail = {table.remove(t, 1)} assert_t_eq(t, {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}) assert_t_eq(tail, {1}) t = init_t() tail = {table.remove(t, 1, 3)} assert_t_eq(t, {4,5,6,7,8,9,10}) assert_t_eq(tail, {1,2,3}) t = init_t() tail = {table.remove(t, #t, -3)} assert_t_eq(t, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}) assert_t_eq(tail, {8,9,10}) t = init_t() tail = {table.remove(t, 4, 3)} assert_t_eq(t, {1,2,3,7,8,9,10}) assert_t_eq(tail, {4,5,6}) t = init_t() tail = {table.remove(t, 2, 12)} assert_t_eq(t, {1}) assert_t_eq(tail, {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}) t = init_t() tail = {table.remove(t, 2, 0)} assert_t_eq(t, init_t()) assert_t_eq(tail, {}) print("test table.remove()", "Ok")