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Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter.

I was able to get everything to work with the ZeroBrane Studio and Lua 5.4 with debugging capabilities.


From: Paul K <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 4:21 PM
To: Lua mailing list <>
Subject: Re: Getting the proper compiled modules for debugging with Lua54
Hi Steve,

> Going with the ZeroBrane Lua Studio, I can set this up if I can get hold of the properly compiled LuaSocket assemblies so they can be added into the ZeroBrain Studio's file system.
> Can anyone assist me in getting a hold of the all the necessary files including the compiled assemblies for LuaSocket?

You can check lua54 branch of ZeroBrane Studio, which already includes compiled luasocket/luasec modules for Lua 5.4 on Windows ( It also provides the Lua interpreter itself, but you may want to replace it with a newer version if needed.


On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 12:43 PM Steve Naidamast <> wrote:

I have been researching the proper way to set up debugging with Lua 5.4 for several days now.

At first I thought I would stay with the EmmyLua Plugin for the JetBrains' IDE, IntelliJ but could not figure out for the life of me how to set this up.

Going with the ZeroBrane Lua Studio, I can set this up if I can get hold of the properly compiled LuaSocket assemblies so they can be added into the ZeroBrain Studio's file system.

Problem is, I cannot find these anywhere and the only thing that appears to be available in this vein is the LuaSocket source code at

Unfortunately, I am not a C++ programmer so though I got fairly far in getting these source files compiled with MIcrosoft's Visual++ (Visual Studio 2019)  I am down to linker errors, which I have not been able to resolve.

Can anyone assist me in getting a hold of the all the necessary files including the compiled assemblies for LuaSocket?

Thank you...

Steve Naidamast
  Sr. Software Engineer