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> It's restrictive in my opinion, the limitation is unnecessary.
> Maybe there is a better solution :
> diff --git a/lgc.c b/lgc.c
> [...]
> -    o->next = g->finobj;  /* link it in 'finobj' list */
> -    g->finobj = o;
> +    if (g->gcstp & GCSTPCLS) {                   /* closing state? */
> +      o->next = g->tobefnz;
> +      g->tobefnz = o;
> +    } else {
> +      o->next = g->finobj;  /* link it in 'finobj' list */
> +      g->finobj = o;
> +    }

Have you tried this change with the standard test suite?

The test suite uses a nice hack, which I particularly enjoy, for
tracking GC cycles:

  local mt = {}
  function mt.__gc (o)
    stderr:write'.'    -- mark progress
    setmetatable(o, mt)   -- remark object for finalization
  setmetatable({}, mt)

With this change, this code creates an infinite loop. So, we lose this
kind of hack for gaining a flexibility that I am not sure can be useful
in practice. (At least nobody ever asked for it.) Even if we find it to
be more useful, it would create a gratuitously incompatibility for what
is mainly a bug-fix release.

-- Roberto