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> By the way, the signal parameter seems like a good idea, but I can't figure
> out how we can determine whether the finalizer should be skipped or not.

As a rule, we should run finalizers only after everything else we
have to do in the GC.

* There are 2 calls in 'entergen'. After it, we have this sequence:
  entergen -> atomic2gen -> finishgencycle -> callallpendingfinalizers

So, luaC_runtilstate doesn't need to run finalizers, as they will
run anyway at the end of 'entergen'.

* There is 1 call in 'stepgenfull':  That is the one creating
problems. Anyway, after that, we either call atomic2gen or call again
luaC_runtilstate; that one can do finalizations, as there is nothing
left to be done after that call.

* There are 3 calls in fullinc: again, only the last call needs to run

-- Roberto