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I just try some test code, to compare my indexed string functions to
the standard Lua string functions. Just for those people interested
here the results:

This is my test project with a Cortex M4 STM32G4 controller running at
a lower speed of 16MHz, 512kB ROM, 128kB RAM, nice QFN48 housing, I
posted a blog 2 or 3 weeks ago already, where I described the basic
functionality for the indexed strings... .

The main problem here is the 128kB RAM, so I preferred to limit the
heap available to Lua to 60kB - this heap is EXCLUSIVELY used by Lua
(I do NOT use dynamic memory anywhere else in my code...).

My first main application is a Lua program, which just organizes the
"Chip Flash re-proramming with some new Lua user software". So for
this I send down a smaller Lua text file with 3kB size to the
controller via serial interface, and my Lua programming software
running on the controller will have to cut down these 3kB into
successive pieces of 8 Bytes to program the Flash piece by piece (the
8 byte is the "programming page size" of this STM32G4 controller).

Using the Lua string functions with concat and string.sub did not work
here ... the heap usage of Lua will run to the limit of 60kB fairly
fast... and then I get severe problems with my restricted RAM memory
of course... .

With my new indexed functions I am very happy now, it runs very
nicely, and I think also the writing style is really nice... .

For comparison I used the following Lua code (V5.4.3, my indexed
string buffers all start with SB..., and the library name is "sb"):

SBtmp= sb.setup( 100)
SBstr= sb.setup( 100)

Sstr= 'Hello Lua - please have a look at this 100 bytes long string
and cut it in very many small tiny parts'
Ttmp= { }

    SBstr= Sstr

    for i= 1, #Sstr do
      for j= 1, #Sstr-i do
        --Ttmp[j]= Sstr:sub(i, i+j)
        SBtmp= SBstr[i+0.001*j]
        sys.sleep( 0)

(The sys.sleep(0) is an internal function of myself to allow
yielding/resume handling ... otherwise my count hook would terminate
such a ca. 5000 long loop with an error message after 1000 Lua

This is the version using my indexed buffers.

If I want to test the Lua string handling, then I have to flip the line comment:

    for i= 1, #Sstr do
      for j= 1, #Sstr-i do
        Ttmp[j]= Sstr:sub(i, i+j)
        --SBtmp= SBstr[i+0.001*j]
        sys.sleep( 0)

As expected, here the Lua string handling will run into 60kB heap
usage very immediately.

And my indexed string buffers keep at the 21kB heap usage, which is
somehow the "Lua startup" heap requirement for my Lua program here...

So I am very happy with this.

By the way the speed of Lua string handling is factor 3 faster than my
indexed string buffers - this surprised me quite a bit... . (my code
needs 4.6sec for these 5000 allocations..., Lua needs only 1.8sec).
But speed is not the target here ... I mainly need memory security,
perfectly stable running and the "user programming flexibility" with I
get by Lua.

... just info for all who are interested in this ... and thanks very
much to the Lua people that I may use this terrific Lua for this, I am
really very excited, that all runs now so extremely nicely, after I
introduced my indexed string handling without heap requirements.