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>Which "Environment Variables"?


I added the directories to “Path” because that’s where most installation tutorials and posts said to add it. Here’s a link showing what I’m talking about: I noticed that when I installed “Lua for Windows” to see if I could figure out what variables to add, it created two variables (LUA_DEV and LUA_PATH), so I don’t know if I should be editing those.


I tried creating a new system variable, %C_INCLUDE_PATH, and added directories (ex. C:\MyLibs\lua-5.1\include; C:\MyLibs\iup\include; C:\MyLibs\iup\Lua51) for Lua, IUP, IM, and CD but it didn’t work. I’m still getting red squiggles under the .h file names in VSCode.



From: Gisle Vanem
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2021 4:35 AM
To: Lua mailing list
Subject: Re: I Can't Get Lua 5.1 and IUP 3.30 to Work With VSCode and GCC on Windows 10 x64


Kaz wrote:


> Most of the app’s source files are Lua files, but one is .c. The file written in C has a bunch of “#include” statements

> like #include “iup.h” and it contains some global variables. The actual app code, beyond setting up includes and some

> globals, is in the Lua files.


> I’ve since downloaded and installed the .h header files for Lua 5.1 (the app uses this version and the code uses “getn”

> a lot, which was depreciated in later versions of Lua), IUP, CD, and IM like in the Makefile included in the app’s

> source files, added the “include” and “Lua51” directories to the “path” section of Environment Variables, but VSCode

> still can’t find them.


Which "Environment Variables"? Why not create/edit '%C_INCLUDE_PATH'

and/or '%CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH' to point to "iup.h" etc.


VScode should be able to search along such an env-variables

(like it should for %INCLUDE).


