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On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 7:34 PM Bogdan Marinescu
<> wrote:
> eLua uses Lua 5.1 only. I did run Lua 5.3 on a couple of Cortex MCUs, but didn't attempt to port the int-only patches, as those MCUs had enough resources to run the full version.

I was a big fan of eLua, although I had at the time no opportunity to

Is the project dead/asleep, nowadays?

A target I am interested in is the new Raspberry Pi Pico.  The MCU is
a Cortex M0+ with no FP support, and with 260 KB on-chip RAM.

The Raspberry foundation proposes MicroPython as an on-board scripting
option. I am certain that Lua aficionados would love to see Lua as an
alternative option for this nice board!

A recent Lua (5.3+) might be a bit big or RAM-hungry for many
Arduino-like devices, but I think would be the best fit for the Pico.
