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Hello Peter,

Peter Matulis <> writes:

> Hi, I am very new to Lua

Welcome :)

> but I do have two tiny Pandoc Lua filters that
> work. They are extremely similar and I would like to combine them. I'm just
> not sure how to introduce the conditional aspect.
> 1. This script simply exchanges the '.md' file extension for the '.html'
> extension:
> function Link (link)
> ='(.+)', '%1.html')
>   return link
> end
> 2. This script does the same except it handles the case where the link
> contains an anchor:
> function Link (link)
> ='(.+)', '%1.html#%2')
>   return link
> end

As far as I can tell, the first version should also work for the second
use case. A pattern may match anywhere in the string (unless "start of
string" or "end of string" are explicitly matched in the pattern).

BTW, we are also happy to answer pandoc-related issues over at the
pandoc-discuss mailing list:!forum/pandoc-discuss


Albert Krewinkel
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