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Note that Lua patterns do not support alternatives with '|', but they support  '?' for 0 or 1 occurrence (not just '*' and '+' for 0+ and 1+ occurences).
Note also that you want to match the dot for the extension literally, not arbitrary characters, so you must use '%.', not '.'. The '#' does not need to be escaped by a '%' in the search pattern (however it still works if you do).
Just create a capture group for the optional anchor (*including* the leading '#').

function Link (link) ='(.+)', '%1.html%2')
  return link

Le jeu. 21 janv. 2021 à 17:38, Peter Matulis <> a écrit :
Hi, I am very new to Lua but I do have two tiny Pandoc Lua filters that work. They are extremely similar and I would like to combine them. I'm just not sure how to introduce the conditional aspect.

1. This script simply exchanges the '.md' file extension for the '.html' extension:

function Link (link) ='(.+)', '%1.html')
  return link

2. This script does the same except it handles the case where the link contains an anchor:

function Link (link) ='(.+)', '%1.html#%2')
  return link
