Yes, vis this the executable,
Here are the output
nm -D vis:
U _IO_getc
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
w _Jv_RegisterClasses
0000000000288560 b __bss_start
U __ctype_b_loc
U __ctype_tolower_loc
U __ctype_toupper_loc
w __cxa_finalize
U __errno_location
U __fdelt_chk
U __fprintf_chk
U __fxstat
U __fxstatat
w __gmon_start__
U __isoc99_sscanf
U __libc_start_main
U __longjmp_chk
U __memcpy_chk
U __memmove_chk
U __printf_chk
U __sigsetjmp
U __snprintf_chk
U __sprintf_chk
U __stack_chk_fail
U __strcat_chk
U __strcpy_chk
U __strncat_chk
U __strncpy_chk
U __uflow
U __vfprintf_chk
U __vsnprintf_chk
U __xpg_basename
U __xstat
0000000000288560 d _edata
00000000002899d0 b _end
0000000000060f54 T _fini
0000000000010040 T _init
U _longjmp
U _setjmp
U abort
U acl_free
U acl_get_fd
U acl_set_fd
U acos
U asin
U atan2
U calloc
U can_change_color
U cbreak
U ceil
U chdir
U clearerr
U clock
U close
U cos
U cosh
U curs_set
U difftime
U dirname
U dlclose
U dlerror
U dlopen
U dlsym
U doupdate
U dup2
U endwin
U execlp
U execvp
U exit
U exp
U fchdir
U fchmod
U fchown
U fclose
U fcntl
U feof
U ferror
U fflush
U fgets
U flockfile
U floor
U fmod
U fopen64
U fork
U fprintf
U fputc
U fputs
U fread
U free
U freopen64
U frexp
U fseeko64
U fsync
U ftello64
U ftruncate
U funlockfile
U fwrite
U getcwd
U getenv
U getgid
U getpid
U getpwuid
U getuid
U gmtime_r
U init_color
U init_pair
U ioctl
U isspace
U keypad
U kill
U ldexp
U localeconv
U localtime_r
U log
U log10
U log2
U malloc
U mbrtowc
U memchr
U memcmp
U memcpy
U memmove
U memrchr
U memset
U meta
U mkstemp
U mkstemp64
U mktime
U mmap
U munmap
U newterm
U noecho
U nonl
U open
U openat
U pair_content
U pclose
U pipe
U poll
U popen
U pow
U pselect
U qsort
U read
U readlink
U realloc
U realpath
U remove
U rename
U renameat
U reset_prog_mode
U reset_shell_mode
U resizeterm
U select
U setenv
U setlocale
U setvbuf
U sigaction
U sigaddset
U sigemptyset
U sigfillset
U sigprocmask
U sin
U sinh
U snprintf
U sqrt
U start_color
U stderr
U stdin
U stdout
U stdscr
U strcasecmp
U strchr
U strcmp
U strcoll
U strdup
U strerror
U strftime
U strlen
U strncmp
U strncpy
U strpbrk
U strrchr
U strspn
U strstr
U strtod
U strtol
U strtoull
U system
U tan
U tanh
U termkey_advisereadable
U termkey_destroy
U termkey_get_keyname
U termkey_get_waittime
U termkey_getkey
U termkey_getkey_force
U termkey_interpret_csi
U termkey_new
U termkey_new_abstract
U termkey_set_canonflags
U termkey_set_waittime
U termkey_start
U termkey_stop
U termkey_strfkey
U termkey_strpkey
U time
U tmpfile64
U tre_regcomp
U tre_regexec
U tre_regfree
U tre_reguexec
U umask
U ungetc
U unlink
U unlinkat
U use_default_colors
U waddnstr
U waitpid
U wclear
U wcwidth
U wmove
U wnoutrefresh
U wresize
U write
[root@2f8f62323694 /]# ldd /usr/local/bin/vis => (0x00007ffe03f4d000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f23c3eea000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f23c3cb2000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f23c3a88000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f23c387f000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f23c366f000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f23c336d000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f23c3169000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f23c2d9b000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f23c2b88000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f23c2983000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f23c437e000)
[root@2f8f62323694 /]# ldd /usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/ => (0x00007ffec95da000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f236a3c2000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f236a99c000)
vis use dynamic LPeg by default