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Hi all,

I'm Daniel and I look after the list server which lua-l runs on.  I'm
responding on-list in case anyone else is having a similar problem so that we
can collate experiences and I can try and diagnose/fix any problems.

On Tue, Dec 01, 2020 at 22:28:08 -0800, Russell Haley wrote:
> I'm getting all sorts of bounce back when I try to do anything with my
> email subscription. I tried to unsubscribe this email address and the
> password reset says that "this email address is not associated with an
> account" (paraphrased).

That is slightly confusing to me because I can see that your address is
definitely subscribed to the list in the form you used.  Are you able to visit click the 'sign up' button in the top right,
and fill out that form including the email address so that it can associate a
login account with you?  Once you've done that you should be able to add other
addresses if you want and manage your list subscriptions.

> When I try to add a new subscription my
> confirmation email bounces back. I also get the same message when trying to
> email the amin address.

This is certainly odd since it implies the mailing list software is generating
bad emails when you try and act with it.  Please could you try the UI and
if that works, let me know so that I can investigate why the email control
interface is misbehaving.

Thank you, and I'm sorry for the frustration this will undoubtedly be causing,


Daniel Silverstone               
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