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Hi Andrew

MAX_SIZE isn't part of the Lua API

What do you mean? It is defined in llimits.h

1) If llimts.h isn't part of the Lua API, pardon me I don't read this information in the official docs.

2) Whichever it is a piece of the API or just an example of declarations: bad examples aren't useful to foster the know-how of users.

you're not supposed to care what it's defined as.

I have to take care if it is defined in such a way it breaks the compilation on some compilers / targets.


On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 16:46, Andrew Gierth <> wrote:
>>>>> "Massimo" == Massimo Sala <> writes:

 Massimo> Hi Joseph
 Massimo> That is a snippet from my code that triggers the error.

 Massimo> The problem arises beause of Lua definition of MAX_SIZE

MAX_SIZE isn't part of the Lua API, you're not supposed to care what
it's defined as.
