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I think you can try cmake build backend. It allows for more complex
build configurations, so you may be able build full library.

On Wed, 2020-04-08 at 11:59 +0200, Francesco Abbate wrote:
> Dear all,
> I think I owe a response here as I said I may prepare a Lua rock for
> the elementary plot library.
> > Sounds like something I might want to try. Is it published in
> > luarocks?Is it planned to?
> I have quickly investigated the process of creating a Lua rock and it
> seems that it offer to compile C or C++ code but with very limited
> options. I think is mostly intended for simple C or C++ code that
> calls existing libraries or performs simple operations. More complex
> libraries need to be compiled or installed separately and Lua rocks
> just provides a thin layer to provides Lua bindings, like for example
> "libui" with its lua counterpart.
> So it means I may easily create a Lua rock for elementary plot but it
> will require that the user first installs the library by himself. So
> the core of the problem is still there because the library is not
> packaged by any distribution.
> I think I may not create a Lua rock and leave the evaluation of the
> elementary plot library to expert users that take the time to build
> and install the library. May be I can provide a small Lua shared
> library that can be loaded directly from lua inside the elementary
> plot project. Currently to use the Lua bindings you need to use C++
> so
> it cannot be done from Lua.
> I am still open to suggestions of course.
> Kind regards
> Francesco
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