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> That's because this parses as -(9223372036854775808) so it overflows before the - operator is applied.
you are correct that the parser is tokenizing the - before calling l_str2int, and thus the lua_Integer overflows before negate is applied to it - thus it is handled by the str2d instead
> This is an issue common to many languages.
From: Andrew Gierth <andrew@tao11.riddles.org.uk>
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 8:36 PM To: Payo Nel <payonel@hotmail.com> Cc: lua-l@lists.lua.org <lua-l@lists.lua.org> Subject: Re: lexical parse of hex literal fails to handle overflow: lua 5.3 and 5.4-alpha >>>>> "Payo" == Payo Nel <payonel@hotmail.com> writes:
Payo> the parser also incorrectly "upgrades" a valid integer to a float Payo> value with a minimum integer value: Payo> tonumber is correct here: Payo> > tonumber('-9223372036854775808',10) Payo> -9223372036854775808 Payo> lexical parse is not Payo> > -9223372036854775808 Payo> -9.2233720368548e+18 That's because this parses as -(9223372036854775808) so it overflows before the - operator is applied. This is an issue common to many languages. -- Andrew. |