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On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 8:12 PM Robert Burke <> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 6:53 AM Aaron Magill <> wrote:
> Looking deeper coroutines as a possible alternative, I discovered that they are currently fundamentally broken in Hammerspoon, so working on fixing that little snafu atm... one crisis at a time, please :-)
> --
> Aaron

If you would like an additional crisis, and the original question is
about Lua code that ends up running slowly on its own (not because it
is waiting for a lot of I/O or remote operations that are inherently
slow), another option is to try using luajit. I understand this is
also very hard in Hammerspoon's current setup.

It's basically out of the question; Hammerspoon is uses 5.3, so LuaJIT won't necessarily be compatible with the scripts.

Also embedding LuaJIT on macOS is a headache.

/s/ Adam