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On 2020-01-19 11:20 p.m., Egor Skriptunoff wrote:
On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 4:26 AM Soni "They/Them" L. wrote:

    If you had:


    then require("", "res.txt") would get you the contents of

Should require() cache resources the same way as modules?

not quite the same: yes, but with __mode="v"

Would it be possible to have a module containing only resources without any code?


Could main program have its own resources (files from the same directory)?
require(nil, "res.txt")

evil, but maybe? why not just put them in a submodule?

Resources might be large enough, so it would be better to return a pseudo-file object
instead of huge Lua string.
local res = open_resource("", "res.txt")
local data = res:read("*a")

tell me, when was the last time you didn't need to keep your app's icons loaded once you loaded them for the first time? in any case __mode="v" should help with this.