On 31/12/2019 21.45, Aaron Krister Johnson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am curious why 'io.write()' isn't behaving as advertised in lua5.3.*:
> ```
> > io.write("A nice output msg")
> A nice output msgfile (0x7f8563013760)
> >
> ```
> In particular, notice the "file (...)" bit that gets appended.
io.write works correctly, it only looks wrong in the REPL. This is
resulting from the interplay of several features:
First, io.write always returns the file handle, so you can chain writes:
io.write "foo" :write "bar" :write "etc.…"
Second, the REPL prints all return values. 'return 2+2' prints 4.
Saying 'return io.write "foo"' will result in exactly the behavior that
you observed. (This should also work in 5.1 IIRC?)
Third, newer versions automatically try to prepend 'return ' to anything
you type at the REPL. (So typing '2+2' no longer throws an error but
instead says '4'.)
In combination,
> io.write "foo"
will be read as 'return io.write "foo"', which prints "foo" and then the
return value(s) – in this case the file handle.
Try putting a semicolon in front of your statement / _expression_.
'return; io.write "foo"' isn't valid, which will result in it being
parsed as a statement (which doesn't return anything, and thus prints no
extra values).
-- nobody