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On 2019-12-23 12:47 p.m., Bas Groothedde wrote:
I'd like to have the ability to convert, say:

switch (op) {
case OP_CALL: {


if op == OP_TAILCALL then
  -- fallthrough
orif op == OP_CALL then

because it looks nicer this way I guess.

My apologies, I see what you mean now. Basically if op == OP_TAILCALL or op == OP_CALL, but in separate statements. In that particular case, I would rather see a switch-case statement in Lua.

switch-case is garbage, this is a lot more powerful because the condition can be arbitrary. jump tables are just an optimization that doesn't need to rely on switch-case to exist. (in fact oftentimes switch-case gets "deoptimized" into if-elseif-goto-etc because it runs faster!)