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On 18 Dec 2019, at 14:42, Gavin Holt <> wrote:


I love Lua - thank you all. This is the language I recommend to anyone wanting to learn to code - my copy of PIL has been a great tutorial. There are great development environments available in SciTE or Zerobrane, and a nice friendly community.

Lua is well suited to the "non-compiling user", as are many other interpreted languages. The popularity of these scripted languages is in part the ability to use them without learning/maintaining a compiler. However, there is a ceiling to what can be achieved with Lua alone and from that point onwards you need compiled libraries aka "Batteries" (lfs, winapi, rex_pcre, clipboard, afx, lpeg, hunspell, lsqlite, vcl, gslshell). I am very grateful to those who have made compiled libraries for windows available to download, I don't have or want a compiler!

Unfortunately Windows makes this very hard. Depending on the versions of the toolchains used to compile the libraries (and hence the dependencies on the underlying MSVCRT type runtime libraries) libs will be compatible or not. In case of incompatibilities, the user get’s no clear messages, just a weird failure.
