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> So for your question, "Is there a better function than
> `luaL_loadbuffer()` to run binaries?", the answer is
> `luaL_loadbufferx()` with the mode argument set to "b".

Thank you.

>   In the Lua 5.1 distribution, there's the file etc/noparser.c with
> instructions on its use.  That could be a useful base upon which to build if
> you need to use a version of Lua later than 5.1.

> > To conclude: is there a guide to remove the parser from Lua 5?
> See

I was able to use the noparser.c file from 5.1.
Since I am using 5.3.5, I had to change the signature of the parser
function, but it works perfectly.

I saw the file fro 5.3 just when I was done ^^

Thank you all.