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On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 1:46 AM Andrew Gierth
<> wrote:
>  Francisco> Are you sure it does not? The fact that something DETECTS
>  Francisco> multiple VM version hints at two copies being exported,
> No, because the detection system doesn't work like that.
> Prior to 5.4 (which abandons this particular check), the check (in
> luaL_checkversion) for multiple copies of the interpreter works like
> this: it checks that the lua_version() function which the current module
> is calling is the same copy of the function as the one which was called
> from lua_newstate() when creating the passed-in Lua state. It does this
> by using the address of a static variable defined in that function.

Mmmm, seems tricky. But I haven't been able to understand dynamic
loading since CP/M.

Isn't this thing a bit asymetric ( I mean, you have two copies, one
detects duality the other does not ( but works right ) ) ?

Francisco Olarte.