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On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 6:36 AM Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:
> Lua 5.4.0 (alpha) has been frozen and is now available for testing at

Great release! A few comments (some of which may already have been
beaten to death in other threads, sorry if I'm rebooting them):

- lua_resetthread is hard to find if you start by looking at
coroutine.close. Can we rename it lua_closethread or rename
coroutine.close to coroutine.reset?

- Maybe it's time to have a coroutine metatable? __index = coroutine,
__close = coroutine.close ?

- I think it's really important that "local <toclose> foo, err =
bar()" be allowed. Otherwise plugging this into code that uses
multireturns for error passing will have a lot of difficulty adopting
<toclose>. (I'm thinking of Nmap's NSE.)

Patrick Donnelly