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On Wed, 29 May 2019 21:38:13 -0300
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> wrote:

> Lua 5.4.0 (alpha-rc1) is now available for testing
> This is an alpha version. Some details may change in the final version.

I want to say first I like the feature list, mostly. I'm a little confused about the need/usecase for warn() over print or protected calls etc. Secondly - I'm a big fan of how smooth and beautiful Lua's syntax is and I think the `local <const> lang = 'Lua'` syntax is not very aesthetic or smooth. I like the idea we'll be getting constants, but I hope the syntax can be looked at a bit more. If <const> is only an attribute on local variables, would it be better to just add a new const keyword. JS has let and const that would be similar to local and const in Lua. I'm sure adding keywords can be a slippery slope though.

Just my input in some minimal testing. Appreciate all the effort that went in and congrats on moving to an RC