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Op Do. 23 Mei 2019 om 21:39 het Jim <> geskryf:
> On 5/23/19, Tim McCracken <> wrote:
> > +1 from me as well.  As an extendable/embeddable script engine, to me it is
> > (much, much) simpler and easier than TCL, Perl or Python.
> ok, no i see to what APIs you compare.
> all 3 use only reference counting since they are older implementations.
> perl and python were not designed with embedding in mind, though
> Tcl was (although back in the 80ies). how comparing with contemporary
> embeddable scripting languages ? is the claim still true in that cases ?
> the Tcl C API is not that bad btw, for simple binding functions dealing
> with ref counting is unnecessary. with this API it is possible to access
> all args to the C function at once (via the array containg all arguments).
> using the old string based API comes in handy when all args are expected
> to be strings as in bindings for execve(2) and similar. such a direct solution
> is not possible with the Lua C API.

You know, LuaJIT has a different API to Lua's. Moreover, that project
needs a new maintainer.