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Hello all,
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I have a simple Lua file, for example, hello.lua. The contents of the file is as the following:


 I first read the file content into a buffer. And then use luaL_loadbuffer to load the buffer and finally use lua_pcall to call the function. However, 
I have found that luaL_loadbuffer cannot return 0 because it does not deal with this case. 

Do you think this is a feature missing? If it does, I would like to commit the code to deal with that.
Thank you.

Baozeng <> 于2019年5月22日周三 上午9:19写道:
Hello all,
    I have a simple Lua file, for example, hello.lua. The contents of the file is as the following:


 I first read the file content into a buffer. And then use luaL_loadbuffer to load the buffer and finally use lua_pcall to call the function. However, 
I have found that luaL_loadbuffer cannot return 0 because it does not deal with this case. 

Do you think this is a feature missing? If it does, I would like to commit the code to deal with that.
Thank you.

     Best Regards,
     Baozeng Ding

     Best Regards,
     Baozeng Ding