On 01/01/2019 21.21, Russell Haley wrote:
> With all that said, I was hoping is that someone might have a battery
> of Lua scripts to test Lua performance?
ME TOO!! ;-)
I could also use a well-rounded collection of tests…
What I have so far mostly comes from the "Computer Language Benchmarks
Game" – the stuff keeps moving / disappearing, but right now it seems to
live at https://salsa.debian.org/benchmarksgame-team/benchmarksgame/ and
the program sources are linked from 'questions' below (as a zip).
I'm getting some weird results so far with my own very limited tests. If I run KeraLua (Lua) first, then NeoLua (dynamic runtime) is faster by about 12% on average. If I run NeoLua first, KeraLua is faster by 30%.
Stupid DotNet runtime.
-- nobody