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On 28.09.18 14:52, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
> Attached is limath-100-1.rockspec, for the math library at

attached is a simple rockspec that can build "limath" with luarocks's builtin
build type.

As demonstration I set up a github repository with travis and appveyor builds
that are showing that this rockspecs builds fine and the tests are running OK
for Linux, Mac OS, Windows MSVC & Windows MINGW using luarocks 2.4.4 and 3.0.2,
for Lua versions 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, luajit 2.0 & 2.1, see

> Will it work for both LuaRocks 2 and 3? Does it need to?

IMHO it's better also to support LuaRocks 2 since it is still used in many Linux
distros, therefore I removed description.labels and rockspec_format = "3.0" to
remain backwards compatible.

Best regards,
package = "limath"

version = "100-1"

source = {
	url = "";,
	md5 = "9787b02273ed95865d6f59024faca999",

description = {
	summary = "An arbitrary precision integer library",
	detailed = "limath is an arbitrary precision integer library for Lua based on imath.",
	homepage = "";,
	license = "public domain/MIT + MIT",

dependencies = {
	"lua >= 5.1",

build = {
	type = "builtin",
	modules = {
	    imath = {
	        sources = {
	        incdirs = {