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Hi List,

I was experimenting some things with various versions of Lua. Especially
this :

print(pcall(pairs, true))

Under Lua 5.1.5, it returns : false	bad argument #1 to '?' (table expected,
got boolean)
With Lua 5.2.2, it returns : false	bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table
expected, got boolean)
Under Lua 5.3.5, it returns : true	function: 6455a2c0	true	nil

I do not understand what is going on under Lua 5.3.5. Note that, with a
previous version (Lua 5.3.2 for example), I still have the same result than
Lua5.2 and 5.1 case.

Similarly, still with Lua 5.3.5, the call pcall(pairs,function() end))
returns :
true	function: 6455a2c0	function: 008f7fb0	nil

whereas it would have been returning false for previous versions of Lua.

Can anyone help me understand ?


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