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> > if we create the resource and then
> > the variable allocation fails, the resource won't be closed.
> If the Lua core must take care against this out of memory situation, it
> follows that any library using scoped vars must take equal care.
> But this seems like a tall order in general.  You mean there must be no
> malloc from the time a resource is created and its corresponding Lua object
> is assigned to a scoped var.  Does Lua (or LuaJIT) even define when the
> core or stdlib might allocate memory?  For example, iterators can be
> complicated and it seems likely the resource object could get wrapped in a
> closure, etc. before reaching the scoped var.  And what if the iterator
> contains multiple resources-- is it possible to ensure either both or none
> are allocated, and cleanup ownership is properly transferred from the
> iterator constructor to the for loop?

Does Python's 'with' handle this is some different way?

-- Roberto