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I looked at my travel options. Absolutely no sane travel options from Switzerland to Kaunas, checking Vilnius (it’s a 100 km ride, afaict), that might be better.

Am 20.07.2018 um 18:20 schrieb Roberto Ierusalimschy <>:

>> There were zero answers from the Lua Team as well. As far as I could
>> tell from that email, a suggestion was made but the change had not
>> been made official.
> Well, it sounded to us quite of implicit. Does someone have objections
> if we do A, which is better for us? No objections? It is not a big
> stretch to imagine that we will do A...
> Anyway, the question was formally asked to us today, we are answering
> today. The workshop will be held in Kaunas.
> -- Roberto