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Quoting Keith Nicholas <>:

you don't realize why javascript is popular? Ok :)   But that's a tangent

People have forever criticized js for it's lack of type safety and squishy

The thing that's made js way better to deal with is the tooling.   But even
then, there is a large rise in things like typescript and other transpiled
languages.  People are super motivated to do js because of  the web and has
driven large innovations around frameworks.

I think one of the shortcomings of the stackoverflow survey is that it focuses
predominantly on developers more so than on tangentially effected groups such
as devOps.  In my experience the simpler an ecosystem is, such as Lua, the
easier it is to deploy.  TypeScript is a nice language that deals with the
plethora of shortcomings of JS in a nice way, but the transpliler infrastructure, requiring properly setup map files etc... all this makes the debugging of errors
in production environments a massive PITA.  What I'm saying, if you include
more than a developer opinion in the ranking the playing field would be scrambled
up pretty good.
