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Why do you not consider to give people opportunities to use ZDF as regular libarary AS WELL, not only using lzt.
I mean much more useful and familiar way is:
  1. clone ZDF repo using git (or add as git submodule) or install using luarocks
  2. Write "require 'luazdf.math'" in you project (for that you should extend your lib)
I think it's better to give users BOTH ways and they will decide which one is better: copying without dependencies or add dependency without copying.

I like this project by the way and may contribute in case you agree with my suggestions =)

On 15 February 2018 at 02:22, Alexander Schulz <> wrote:
Good Point.

The website is a static site that can be generated with
I think at the weekend about a solution.

> Am 14.02.2018 um 10:11 schrieb Pierre Chapuis <>:
> On Tue, Feb 13, 2018, at 22:10, Alexander Schulz wrote:
>> LuaZDF follows the principle that is best described with the following Go
>> Proverb: A little copying is better than a little dependency.
> This is a very good counterpoint to what was proposed in another thread yesterday, and I agree with this approach to sharing utility functions.
> If I may offer a suggestion: search doesn't work really well because it only filters the name of the functions. For instance, if you search for "divisor", you won't find "gcd".
> --
> Pierre Chapuis

With best regards,
Kupriyanov Mikhail.