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Daurnimator <> wrote:

> On 3 February 2018 at 08:44, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
>> There is of course the obvious (to Linux users) workaround,

Not technically just Linux users, but anyone who uses a shell that supports
aliases. Bash seems to be available under pretty much every operating system
these days. The git package from Google for Windows even comes with a very
nice terminal with bash (and other utilities) included.

>>   alias lua="lua -e \"_PROMPT, _PROMPT2 = whatever\" -i "
>> which caters also for the case where someone does not like your proposal.
> I find aliases clunky. Instead I use LUA_INIT (I just add a bit of
> colour) from my .bashrc:
> export LUA_INIT='_PROMPT="\1\27[32;1m\2>\1\27[0m\2 ";
> _PROMPT2="\1\27[36;1m\2>>\1\27[0m\2 "'

Why do you find aliases clunky, if I may ask? What do you use instead?

I just checked my bash profile and I seems I have 42 defined aliases and
a dozen or so functions in there. Apparently I love aliases! ;)
