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It was thus said that the Great Sean Conner once stated:
> So I created a subdirectory "6CC24CA3-0D40-550D-9B0F-EF54C94C54C1"
> and in there, I have "".  In the C file, I had to name the main
> function
> 	int luaopen_6CC24CA3_0D40_550D_9B0F_EF54C94C54C1_syslog(lua_State *L)
> 	{ ... }
> because the '-' isn't a valid in a C identifier.  But when I tried:
> 	local syslog = require "6CC24CA3-0D40-550D-9B0F-EF54C94C54C1.syslog"
> I get:
> lua-53: error loading module '6CC24CA3-0D40-550D-9B0F-EF54C94C54C1.syslog' from file './6CC24CA3-0D40-550D-9B0F-EF54C94C54C1/':
>         ./6CC24CA3-0D40-550D-9B0F-EF54C94C54C1/ undefined symbol: luaopen_0D40-550D-9B0F-EF54C94C54C1_syslog

  I should also note that a pure Lua module will have no such restriction. 
So it's possible to have this:

	local syslog = require "6CC24CA3_0D40_550D_9B0F_EF54C94C54C1.syslog"
	local xdg    = require "13DC8997-46AB-54E2-9BC4-10C88CFAC5D4.xdg"

	syslog("debug","this is here")

where you have two styles of UUID.  Oh, and heaven forbid someone attempt to

	local syslog = require "6cc24ca3_0d40_550d_9b0f_ef54c94c54c1.syslog"
	local xdg    = require "13dc8997-46ab-54e2-9bc4-10c88cfac5d4.xdg"

	syslog("debug","this is here")

  On some systems (with case-insensative filenames) this will work ... on
some, it won't ... good times.

  -spc (For the record, I don't think using UUIDs as a namespace is a good
	idea ... )