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On 31 January 2018 at 08:00, p. shkadzko <> wrote:
> Can you be more specific?
> I am using ‎Torch on a daily basis.

Hi, it is good to know that torch works with Lua 5.3. I was able
successfully build torch7 (the core library only) for Ravi which is a
Lua 5.3 derivative. However when trying to run a test I face a couple
of issues. The first one is this strange call:

require "paths"
paths.require "libtorch"

The paths.lua script is generated from:

I must be missing something here.

Second issue I am still investigating. While initializing torch I get
an error that I was surprised to see - it is do with exceeding the
number of max upvalues; this is set to 120 in Ravi. I have to work out
whether this is what it appears or something else.
