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On 12 January 2018 at 05:14, Dan Tull <> wrote:

> > *unless* you're willing to compile lua yourself, in which case you can define
> > luai_userstatethread and luai_userstatefree...
> Those do look useful. They weren't in 5.1 at the time...
> Sure they were:

Oops. You're right, they were. I realized where my mistake was. Our original
debugger was written in 2003/2004 against 5.0.x and in that version those
were not as centralized/obvious (and a few of them like luai_userstatefree
don't seem to be there at all). A couple of those macros are actually used in
the current code, but a few others that could have been useful aren't.

In any case, might have to keep these in mind if I ever revisit the debugger's
implementation. There might be a nicer factoring of some of the extensions.