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Hi everyone,

I gave an introductory talk about Lua for C++ programmers at CppCon a
couple of weeks ago. CppCon is the biggest international conference for
C++ developers, so the idea behind the talk was to get experienced C++
programmers who don't really know Lua interested in the language and
show that it is easy to integrate with an existing C++ codebase.

You can find a video of the talk on YouTube:

The reason why I'm posting this here is that I will give a longer
version of the same talk at another conference later this year
(code::dive in Poland) and I would be very grateful for any feedback
from the Lua community.
If you feel that I gravely misrepresented some aspect of the language or
you think that there is something that is clearly missing from the
presentation, I will gladly take your advice into consideration.

I already got feedback that people would like to see some examples of
using a library for the C++ bindings and I plan to add some Sol2 sample
code for that.
If you can think of anything else, please let me know!

Best regards,