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Apologies, I had sent that code while writing Typescript, and it isn't valid Lua code. A more proper example (with sample output):

function new_index ( last_failed_lookup_object, key, value )
    print("lookup- ", last_failed_lookup_object)
    print("key   - ", key)
    print("value - ", value)

inner_mt = { __newindex = new_index }
setmetatable(inner_mt, inner_mt)
mt = { __newindex = inner_mt }

local t = {}
setmetatable(t, mt)

print("t is  - ", t)
t.hello = "world"

t is  - table: 0x1c98090
lookup- table: 0x1c97fb0
key   - hello
value - world

Notice that the table passed for lookup is different from the table that caused the lookup. My idea stems from adding that last parameter "lookup_starter", that -- no matter how many metatables are chained through -- would always be "t".

On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 5:16 PM, ThePhD <> wrote:
Almost a year ago, I presented at Lua Workshop and talked about sol2[1] and having a Zero-Overhead abstraction built in C++. In particular, one of the things I noted was that because of being forced to have to return desired properties and functions of a userdata using a `lua_CFunction` rather than hitting a pre-filled Lua lookup table, users binding variables and properties would take a 2x-4x performance hit at all times.

This was mostly because we not only had to prep a proper Lua C Function to return (e.g., upvalues as a way to communicate pointers to C structures after returning the wrapped function to Lua), but that we had to enter a C Function in the first place which presented a measurable overhead over having a metatable with the functions already laid out on the type.

At the end of my talk, I briefly mentioned that a possible solution would be including the "initial missed target" that began the cascading chain of `__index` or `__newindex` lookups as a new argument at the end of the current argument list __index and __newindex. That is (for this contrived example):

function new_index ( last_failed_lookup_object, key, value ) {

inner_mt = { __newindex = new_index }
setmetatable(inner_mt, inner_mt)
mt = { __newindex = inner_mt }

local t = {}
setmetatable(t, mt)

would be allowed to look like...

function new_index ( last_failed_lookup_object, key, lookup_starter ) {


Has any thought been given to this since then? Is this something I should hack on to the Lua 5.3 source and see what it takes? I was mostly interested in this solution as -- to my mind -- it is backwards-compatible with older code since passing an extra argument to an old-style "new_index" or "index" function would not disturb what's already present and how it works.

[1] -