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FWIW, I have noticed some run-time differences with VS2015.
Lua 5.3 builds fine with VS2015 but does not run the same even though it passes all Lua tests fine.
I haven’t figured out what the problem is.  (Everything in the build process except the compiler is the same.)
For the example below, a VS2013 produced Lua53 binary has correct output, while a VS2015 version has no output at all.
print(io.popen('mode con'):read('*a'))
The output from VS2013 built Lua 5.3 is like this:
Status for device CON:
    Lines:          500
    Columns:        164
    Keyboard rate:  31
    Keyboard delay: 1
    Code page:      737
From: John Hind
The Lua source distribution builds and runs just fine on Visual Studio (Community - free - Edition) on Windows 10. At least VS 2015 and 32-bit, ...