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Dirk Laurie <> wrote:

> 2017-04-23 0:24 GMT+02:00 Paige DePol <>:
>> I have not had much time in the past couple years for hacking Lua due to
>> personal and medical reasons, however, things have finally stabilised and I
>> have begun work on updating my patch collection to the latest version of
>> Lua. I will have an update and a mega-patch to release soon... the patch is
>> 4'ish patches in one, however, I do plan to break down all my hacks into
>> discreet individual patches as well.
> You have my permission (as does anyone else making a mega-patch too,
> of course) to include any of my patches.[1] To this end, may I suggest the
> named-library patch, which allows you to switch between compatible
> libraries on the command line?
>   lua -l json=dkjson myapp.lua
>   lua -l json=rapidjson myapp.lua
> The patch is a very recent, if not the most recent, addition to
> [ the PowerPatches page].
> Regards
> Dirk
> [1] Not that my permission is needed, of course, but people tend to
> be polite.

I always do my utmost to keep track of places I obtain source code from,
including repository links, or links to places like StackOverflow.

The mega-patch I spoke of consists solely of my own code currently... and,
upon second glance, if I were to break everything out into discreet patches
it would be as follows:

Token Storage
Constants, Enumerations, Macros, and Inlines (requires both above)
'nil' Assignments (replaces _ idiom)
Index Data Type (requires all the above, expands Instructions to 64-bit)
C Macro Enhancements (for expkind, expdesc, and other areas)
Debugging Enhancements (in ltests.c; malloc tracing, stack dumping, etc)
Test Suite (separate patch file for adding tests for all new code)

There may be a couple other tiny patches in there as well, but those are the
major patch areas... a bit more than the 4'ish I initially estimated! ;)

I will provide full documentation for using the features, and the code
itself is very heavily documented as well. I figured those who may be
interested in hacking Lua could be interested in some of this code, so
I may as well make it easy to understand! :)


PS: Thank you for your permission, I may not have "technically" required it,
but it is appreciated nonetheless! :)