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On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 1:12 PM, pierre <> wrote:
I think that having some access to metaprogramming in the core is a missing part of lua

It might make the problem worse, actually. My guesses for some reasons why Lua might be disliked. Lua is:
Lua lets you very free to express yourself creatively, but as soon as you work in a multi-people context, it inflicts other people's creativity upon you: that is way less entertaining.

Metaprogramming makes most of these issues worse: it's incomprehensible to many developers and virtually all non-developers, it causes hard-to-track compilation errors (remember template compilation headaches in early C++?), and unleashes people's creativity in the most Rube Goldberg-esque possible way. It's extremely fun, there's neither harm nor shame in playing with it alone by yourself, but in most public circumstances it is inappropriate!