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> On 29/03/2017, at 12:19 AM, John Logsdon <> wrote:
> for thisLine = 1,#AllLinez do
> 	V1,V2,V3 = unpack(AllLinez[thisLine])
> -- ... and then the data are processed
> -- 
> end

I'm sure you know that V1, V2 and V3 should be local variables.

> Processing involves a very large number of repeated optimisation steps so
> it is important that the data are handled as efficiently as possible.  I
> am using luajit of course.
> My question is whether this is an efficient way to process the data or
> would it be better to use a database such as SQLITE3?

If lua can hold all your data in memory, and you're just iterating through the rows in your processing, not performing sql-like queries to find subsets of rows, then I don't see why luajit shouldn't be pretty quick.

If your data is all numeric, then you might do well out of moving it to cdata rather than a lua table?