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Nagaev Boris <>于2017年3月14日周二 下午5:00写道:
If I understand the thread correctly, it applies only to the app store
and only to cases when code "passes arbitrary parameters". It is not

In lua, the code "passes arbitrary parameters" to dlopen/dlsym, because we can pass any string from the script. I guess Apple use a static analysis tool to review the apps submitted to the App Store. 
equal to banning this function on whole the platform. If the code is
not put to the app store or if dlopen is used to open DLL which is a
part of the same app, it seems OK from the thread. Which is not OK
from the thread is downloading DLL from remote servers and loading
them to the app.

The mostly app on iOS platform would put on to the app store, so I think turn off LUA_USE_DLOPEN on iOS by default would be better.