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On 02/03/17 12:07 PM, 彭 书呆 wrote:
在 2017/3/2 21:21, Tony Papadimitriou 写道:
-----Original Message----- From: 彭 书呆

maybe we can add a command line switch to disable environment variable processing?
You mean like the -E switch since Lua v5.2?

well, in my post I mean finer control over environment variables, e.g. I might want to skip the
processing of LUA_INIT but keep LUA_PATH/LUA_CPATH.

but I think the -E switch can be enough for most cases. How come I totally never know it before.

If you're gonna use the -E switch, what stops you from using the -e "package.path = 'stuff here' .. package.path" switch?

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