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On 21 February 2017 at 21:45, Etiene Dalcol <> wrote:
> I was mostly
> only countering your argument that Lua should stay and be niche / scripting
> small stuff.

Perhaps I used the wrong words there. I am using Ravi/Lua as a
scripting language - where the script is small but the task done is
not necessarily small. That is, the script is used to invoke large
operations. I don't know the right term to use here but maybe I am
using Lua as a 'glue' language to pull together operations. This is
relatively easy to do in Lua as it is easier to interface with C/C++
in Lua than in other scripting languages.

Front-end development is perhaps a domain where dynamic / scripting
languages are useful because the front-end often is the most volatile
part of the application - one that you want to change at quick notice,
and change often.

The rise of NodeJS is interesting - and has led to the rise of
Typescript to allow Javascript applications to scale. I think for Lua
too something like TypedLua if taken to the level of Typescript may
prove helpful in building large scale applications.

I think the question in my mind was about the need for JIT. For a
server based application replacing Java or C# at the backend, JIT may
be useful.
